Terms and Privacy











These terms and conditions are part of the agreement you enter into with „Ryfylke Adventures AS“ when registering for one of our tours or events. By booking a trip/event from us and by using our website, you confirm that you have read and accepted our terms and conditions.


Booking is made via our website, by e-mail, telephone or via any other point of sale (including hotel reception, travel agency or third party website where our products can be ordered).

When registering on behalf of several participants, you are responsible for communicating the terms and conditions to the individual participant and are responsible for payment. You must be over 18 years of age to make a booking.


The full amount is paid at the time of booking or by cash payment or creditcard payment before the start of the tour/event.


For all bookings, cancellations are free up to 24 hours prior to the tour date and will be refunded fully. Thereafter "Ryfylke Adventures AS" will not refund the payed price.

To cancel your booking, please contact „ryfylkeadventures@gmail.com“. All cancellations must be sent via email. Please note that these cancellation terms apply only for activities carried out by „Ryfylke Adventures AS“.


If you do not show up at the agreed time and place, no refund will be given. This also applies if you show up late, without having given notice (and received acceptance from us for the delay).

Cancellation and changes made by us

It is unlikely, but we reserve the right to cancel and make changes to our tours and events, also at short notice, due to circumstances beyond our control, lack of staff, adverse weather conditions or too few guests. If such cancellation or modification becomes necessary, we are obliged to notify you as soon as possible.

We will do our best to inform you of any changes as early as possible and offer alternative dates or refunds.


You are obliged to familiarize yourself with our terms and conditions, the descriptions of the individual trip and event.

Duty to provide information about one's own health and prerequisites

You are obliged to ensure that you have the prerequisites for participation in our trips. All participants must inform us/guide/tour leader about health conditions, illnesses or ailments that may have an impact on their own and others' safety on the trip.

Obligation to follow instructions given by guide/tour leader/event manager

The overall responsibility for safety on our tours is taken care of by the guide/tour leader. In order for him to be able to ensure safety on tours under our auspices, you commit to follow all instructions given by us and/or guide and tour leader.


Participation in several of our trips involves a certain risk of accidents and injuries. We work systematically to minimize risk, but there will always be a residual risk in participating in our trips and events. By purchasing our services, you accept this risk.

We do not assume any financial obligations as a result of damage caused by participants, their actions or that are due to causes beyond our control (Force majeure) unless the mishap or accident is due to gross negligence on our part or that of the guide.


Insurance for the individual participant is not included in our tours and events.

Travel insurance and cancellation insurance

We do not offer cancellation protection, travel or accident insurance on our tours and events. We recommend that you as a participant arrange for the necessary travel and accident insurance and check whether these cover the activity you are participating in.

We recommend checking if your insurance also has cancellation protection that covers your expenses, e.g. if you are prevented from showing up.


In the case of rentals you are responsible for ensuring that no other person without a valid rental agreement or other verifiable access has access to the equipment.

You agree to comply with all state and local regulations, as well as all legal directives and landlord's rules during the rental period. In the event of a breach of these rules, you are solely responsible. You agree to notify the landlord of any incidents or damages that occur during the rental.

You confirm that you:

· are able to operate the equipment.

· have read the instruction manual when picking up equipment.

Any problems with the equipment, damage or loss of the equipment should be immediately reported to „Ryfylke Adventures AS“ via email or phone.

The equipment is returned in the same condition as it was rented out.

You bear all risk of damage, loss, or theft of the equipment and shall pay the lessor the cost of repair, replacement, or replacement. You understand that the lessor cannot be held liable in any way for personal injury to yourself or others, or loss or damage to equipment and personal property used in accordance with the performance of the Rental Service.

You are responsible for returning the rented equipment as agreed within the time shown in the rental contract and agree that a fee will be charged in the event of delays.

You hereby release the Landlord, its agents, contractors, employees and/or owners from any liability relating to negligence, losses, expenses or costs, including attorneys' fees, arising from damages whether to persons or property.

The lessor reserves the right to deny the renter or any other person access to or further use, if the equipment is used incorrectly or it may be subject to damage to equipment, persons or third parties.

For return of rental equipment before the day stated at the time of booking, you will not receive a refund of the rental prices.

Consumables such as gasoline are not included in the rental price.

The lessor is not responsible for problems with equipment that are due to inappropriate use. The cost of a mechanic or assistance in such cases must be covered by you.


Complaints about any defects in connection with our services must be submitted to us or the guide immediately. Otherwise, you lose the right to appeal. Otherwise, the appeal must be submitted in writing no later than 15 days after returning home, unless special reasons make it reasonable to extend the appeal deadline.


Your privacy is important to us and we want to provide you with clear and concise information about how we process your personal data. You can request that your personal data be deleted, how to proceed can also be found in the information below.

Our information about you

When booking at "Ryfylke Adventures AS" you will be redirected to our booking system operated by Bilberry.app. The following information about you is stored and used here:

Full name


Telephone number

Birth data/age (in some cases)

credit card information

The information is stored to give us the opportunity to provide you as a customer with the best possible service. By providing your name when ordering, it becomes easy for our administration and crew to find your order.

We will send you a booking confirmation and relevant trip information by email, and will not use your email address for marketing purposes without your consent to this. Your phone number is useful to us when we need quick contact with you regarding your order.

We may also process information that is registered in connection with the booking, such as travel destinations, requests for special meals or special information from you about your health condition or other information within the framework of the customer relationship.

You provide personal information by yourself in connection with the booking of a trip.

When completing a card payment, you will be redirected to our supplier of digital payment solution, "Stripe Inc.". Your card data is stored securely here and can only be used by our employees when refunding money in case of trip cancellation. However, in such cases, we do not have access to complete information about your card.

Storage of personal data

We store personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes described above. We usually store your personal information for 2 years from your last trip.

In some cases, we may need to store data for longer periods when required by law (e.g. Accounting Act) or, for example, complaints.

Who may process your personal data

Your personal data is processed by our employees and by our system partners and administrative service partners. Your personal data may also be processed by our partners, such as bus companies, hotels/restaurants and local partners. Only necessary information about you is provided in such cases.

Your rights

You have the right to withdraw your consent to process the information you have provided to us at any time. This means that you can also request rectification or deletion of your personal information. Such a request must be made in writing to us by email to following adress:


Your personal data will then be corrected or deleted within one month. If you have booked a trip that has not yet been completed, an ongoing complaint or similar, the personal data will be deleted within one month of completion.

Contact information

Ryfylke Adventures AS

Kjørebergvegen 26, 4100 Jørpeland

Org.nr 833 768 042

Tel. +47 977 43 870

E-mail: ryfylkeadventures@gmail.com


All disputes that may arise between the parties to this agreement or on any other basis shall be dealt with in accordance with Norwegian law. If the dispute is not resolved amicably, the legal venue of the company's property shall apply.